Automatic Traffic Counting and Categorization (ATCC)

A good traffic and transportation study needs precision based traffic counter as a core component. Such a road traffic survey helps to assess growth in vehicle volume on roads, the load borne by the road, and estimating traffic volume. For this road traffic survey exercise, it is important to have near 100% accuracy in counting and classification of vehicles passing through a certain point in a particular place.

This is exactly where Solverra’s ATCC solution delivers immense value proposition as a portable traffic counter.

The vehicle counter sensor and video based automatic traffic counter equipment. Every single vehicle passing through is counted and classified in a supporting document for traffic count data analysis.

Viosn camera used for ATTC Survey

Advantages delivered by the Automatic Traffic Counting and Categorization (ATCC)

  • Adds momentum to the traffic data collection and analysis process to assess road traffic conditions.
  • The traffic counting video analytics software provides accuracy of 98%+ for counting and 95%+ for categorization
  • Comprehensive 24 x 7 traffic analysis made possible with the video traffic counting software
  • Policymakers can get a quick and detailed overview of various traffic analysis constituents like toll management, network traffic analysis and better investment justification on road repairs or construction of flyovers, highways, and roads.
  • The vehicle classifier system is easy to operate and is tamper-proof, thus elevating the level of reliability up by several notches

Why opt for Solverra?

As one of the most prevalent types of non-destructive testing, FWD drives the below advantages

At Solverra, our ATCC system is designed for Indian roads. The granular level of counting and classification is what helps make it a state-of-the-art traffic count data analysis system. Moreover, traffic counting system accurately captures evidence of all vehicles counted and classified, thus making future audits a breeze.

Connect with us to know more about the ATCC system at Solverra.